Topic: .275 Youth Group,

A new 40 meter youth ragchew group.



We are pleased to announce the start of the ".275 Youth Group".

We are an informal ragchew group that meets every Saturday at 9: 00 P.M. Eastern (0200Z)  on 7.275 MHz or on a frequency +/- 10KHz different. The duration of the net will vary from time to time depending on the amount of check-ins and how much people have to talk about. Anyone young or young at heart is welcome: third party, techs, generals, amateur extra’s, yl's, om's, etc.  

Also, you can visit our web pages. They are and .We are here as a net to promote youth to use HF and to get to know one another.


We also will try and cater to the needs of young hams, such as: perfecting the art of Morse code, dx'ing tips, and other miscellaneous questions.
    Our head net control is Charles, KG4KCT, in South Carolina. Our webmaster is Neil, N5EIL, in Texas. Our person of contact for the net is Timothy, W8LBO, in Michigan.
    The story behind this net goes back a little ways. About a year ago Charles posted an article on the youth forum of asking whether anybody would like to help start the net. Some youth responded but nothing got started. Then about a month ago Timothy read his article and thought it was a good idea so he posted another article. Neil was the only one who responded. Charles was then contacted to see whether he was still interested. Little did we all know that setting up a net for the first time was not an easy task.  After batting e-mails amongst ourselves, talking on AOL Instant Messenger,, and trying to make contact on 40 meters, we finally came up with the plan you read above.  There were definitely a couple of times this thing almost died before it started. Our persistence paid off , and there still is a lot of room for error, but we hope the net lasts a long time.
    Don't worry if you're new to radio, we all start somewhere. And don't get embarrassed if you goof up. Just don't act like a lid or interfere on purpose. If we do interfere with an ongoing QSO or a net, please let us know; we will move frequencies and try to prevent it from happening again.
    We hope that the net will bring many hours of enjoyment to all.
73 and we’re looking forward to hearing you on the net,
N5EIL (Neil), KG4KCT (Charles), and W8LBO (Timothy)

MAIN page|IRC youth activities page last updated:07jul04